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M24058 - Family business essentials: tooling and insights around governance, financing, and strategy (Online)

  • 4 Jun 2024
  • 09:15 - 12:30
  • Online Webinar


Registration is closed
Registration Time: 09:00
Sessions Time: 09:15 - 12:30  including a 15-minute break
Speaker: Mr David Pace
Venue:   Online Webinar
Participation Fees (The Institute is now accepting payments via Paypal)
MIA Members: €40.00
Non-MIA Members: €75.00
Retired Members: €20.00
Students: €30.00

*Group bookings for 3 or more participants available.


This session will combine practical insights with tooling and tips to help you enhance your understanding (and input) into family business matters surrounding governance, financing of the businesses and also business strategy. This session shall leverage case studies that bring to life typical scenarios, while the speaker will colour in the understanding around family business dynamics from first-hand experience in the field.

Specific topics to be covered during the session

  • Quick dive into family businesses and some good tools to help you frame and get to know the DNA of the family business you are dealing with
  • Familiarisation with common challenges facing family businesses to help increase awareness of additional complexities impacting family businesses and practical insights on such
  • Case Study: The Sages family business covering the following parts: Family business governance & Financing
  • Strategy

Why is the session of relevance to our members?

With family businesses making up a significant fabric of our local economy there is a good chance that in some shape or form personally or professionally you are engaging with a family business. The session could share invaluable insights that make a difference to your own day-to-day.
  • Relevant to accountants who work in family businesses (whether their own family business or 3rd party family) – it may well help you elevate your role and impact
  • Equally relevant to non-accounting professionals who wish to better understand family business dynamics – how the third lens (the family lens) colours otherwise typical business scenarios
  • For a family member who wishes to take a keener interest in their family business…deepen your learning on how to better engage with and assist your family business
  • And finally cause the family expects you to! (…excuse the pun on family norms and pressures but we shall also attempt to work on navigating this reality at least within the family business context)

Target Audience

Members of families that are in business together ; accountants working in, and advisors working with, family businesses; professionals and academics interested in family business dynamics

Speaker's Profile

David Pace has over 20 years of consulting experience and currently heads the firm’s Advisory function, one of the broadest multi-disciplinary teams on the island. He is actively involved in numerous business negotiations and has a lead role in the firm’s Merger and Acquisition service offering. Throughout his career he has assisted clients in successfully raising debt and equity finance and in valuing shares and businesses. His engagement portfolio has led him to work at the heart of strategy within several businesses, helping them throughout the process of considering strategic options, articulation of plans and their subsequent implementation and monitoring. Over the past years David has also leveraged his deal advisory skillset and experiences, coupled with specialist family business advisory training, to travel alongside family businesses as they navigate their way forward journey.  


3 Professional.


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