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Membership and practising the profession FAQs

What do I require to practise the profession in Malta? 

The Accountancy Board is the regulator of the profession in Malta and thus it is the Board that sets the Regulation. Practising the profession in Malta is governed by the Accountancy Profession Act. Article 3(1) of this Act sets out that for a person to practise the profession of accountant, he/she must be a warrant holder.

How can I obtain my warrant and what are the minimum requirements? 

The minimum requirements to obtain the warrant are set by the Accountancy Board. It is the Board that issues the warrant. Thus any queries related to the warrant are to be addressed directly to the Board. Click on the following link for more information. Otherwise contact the Board as required. 

For me to practise the profession in Malta, is it a must to be a Member of the Malta Institute of Accountants?

You can practise the profession in Malta without being a Member of the Institute. Membership however grants you a range of benefits which will assist you in practising the profession. 
Warrant holders who may decide not to join the Institute as Members, will still be obliged to undertake CPE under the Accountancy Board CPE Scheme. 

How do I become a Member of the Malta Institute of Accountants? 

Please refer to the following link for more information about the different types of membership, how to apply and any related FAQs. 

    Contact Us

    Suite 4, Level 1, Tower Business Centre, Tower Street, Swatar, BKR 4013, Malta 

    E-mail: info@miamalta.org

    Tel. +356 2258 1900