The 56th Annual General Meeting of the Institute was held today, 17th September 2020, online via Zoom.
The following members were elected for the two-year term 2020 – 2022:
Mr Fabio Axisa, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Malta
Mr Christopher Balzan, Executive Director, Ernst & Young Malta
Mr David Delicata, Partner, Deloitte Malta
Mr Jonathan Dingli, Partner, Advisory Services, KPMG in Malta
Mr Shawn Falzon, Partner, Ernst & Young Malta
Dr Ivan Grixti, Senior Lecturer, University of Malta
Ms Annabelle Zammit Pace, Partner, Deloitte Malta
They joined the following Council Members whose term expires in 2021:
Mr Etienne Borg Cardona, Director, Capital Advisory Ltd
Mr Mark Bugeja, Managing Partner, Grant Thornton
Mr Christian Gravina, CEO, GCS Accounting Malta Ltd
Mr Noel Mizzi, Partner, Head of Audit (Operations), Audit Services, KPMG in Malta
Ms Lucienne Pace Ross, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Malta
Mr William Spiteri Bailey, Partner, RSM Malta
Mr Franz R. Wirth, CFO & Company Secretary, Intercomp Group
At the first meeting of the new Council, Mr Fabio Axisa was elected as President, Mr David Delicata as Vice President, Noel Mizzi as Secretary and Mr Franz R. Wirth as Treasurer.