“Accountancy professionals can play a key role in the country’s economic development”. Maria Cauchi Delia, Chief Executive Officer of the Malta Institute of Accountants said this during an informal exchange with students approaching the end of compulsory education at this year’s annual ‘I Choose’ event.
A panel discussion featuring Ms Cauchi Delia together with four members of the MIA’s Young Members Group who ply their trade in different sectors of the economy was one of the highlights of the MIA’s participation at this year’s event which provides a unique opportunity for students to explore further career and educational options at a vital stage of their educational pathway.
The Young Members – Kenneth Cremona, Cinzia Fenech, Julia Gingell, and Carlsten Xuereb – highlighted the transition of the accountancy profession in recent years. They described the opportunities created for such professionals as endless, sharing insights on the way that an accountancy background has shaped their career development, growth, and success.
Keen to shed light on the fascinating adaptation of the modern role of the accountancy profession, the speakers highlighted the way that their career allows them to interact on a daily basis with people from all walks of life, including athletes, farmers, artists, doctors, and gaming experts.
Ms Cauchi Delia also shared insight on the role of the Institute as the guardian of the profession, highlighting the important contribution towards career development. Describing the Institute as the only organisation which brings together all accountants and auditors, she highlighted its key activities including participation and consultation in new legislation, the organisation of educational conferences and training sessions as well as numerous networking opportunities for its members.
The Malta Institute of Accountants ensured a strong presence at this year’s event with representatives of the Young Members Group and other Institute staff members present onsite to meet the students, answer their queries and provide career tips. A number of give-away prizes also ensured that the MIA’s stand was a place-to-be for the students who flocked to this year’s job fair.