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Fiscal Unit Tax Payment Deadlines

3 Aug 2021 10:00 | Anonymous
The Commissioner for Revenue is notifying that the tax payment deadline of eighteen months following the end of the accounting period, applicable to companies in possession of a determination under the relevant paragraphs of Article 47 of the Duty on Documents and Transfers Act (DDTA determination), shall for the Year of Assessment 2021 apply also with respect to tax payable by a fiscal unit on its chargeable income provided that all members of the fiscal unit are either in possession of the DDTA determination or non-resident companies not liable to tax in Malta.
With respect to fiscal units not entitled to the eighteen-month extension as per above, the deadline for the payment of settlement tax with respect to Year of Assessment 2021 is that applicable to companies not in possession of a DDTA determination.
For the avoidance of doubt, tax payable on chargeable income allocated to the foreign income account of the principal taxpayer shall in any case become due within eighteen months after the end of the accounting period.

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