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M25021 - Tax Treatment of Mergers (Online)

  • 27 Feb 2025
  • 13:30 - 16:45
  • Online Webinar


Registration Time: 13:15
Sessions Time: 13:30 - 16:45  including a 15-minute break
Speaker: Dr Robert Attard
Venue:   Online Webinar
Participation Fees (The Institute is now accepting payments via Paypal)
MIA Members: €40.00
Non-MIA Members: €75.00
Retired Members: €20.00
Students: €30.00

*Group bookings for 3 or more participants available.


The webinar will discuss the tax implications (Income Tax, Duty on Documents & VAT) arising in the context of Mergers, Acquisitions and Reorganisations singling out all relevant rules. Furthermore, the webinar will discuss the legal concept of a tax ruling refer to local and international case-law on the matter. In addition, the webinar will discuss how issues of retrospectivity and retroactivity can come into play in a reorganisation, articulating judge-made rules on the matter.


  • Income Tax Rules governing Mergers, Acquisitions and Reorganisations
  • Duty on Document & Transfers Rules pertinent to Mergers, Acquisitions and Reorganisations
  • VAT Rules pertinent to Mergers, Acquisitions and Reorganisations
  • The Concept of a Tax Ruling
  • Case-Law on Rulings
  • Issues relating to Retrospectivity and Retroactivity

Why is the session of relevance to our members?

This session will equip participants with an understanding of the applicable rules in this area, together with an update on case-laws related to tax rulings.

Target Audience

Accountants and lawyers

Speaker's Profile

Robert is  EY Malta's Tax Leader, a tenured senior lecturer at the University of Malta and a member of the European Association of Tax Law Professors. In the 2015-2017 IBFD General Report on the Protection of Taxpayers’ Rights, Robert was described as a well-known authority broadly experienced in the practical protection of taxpayers’ rights and a prominent member of the legal practice. In Malta, Robert argued cases at all levels arguing a suite of Constitutional cases (the Geranzi Case m, the Angelo Zahra Case and others) that have led to a paradigm shift relating to the legal classification of administrative penalties. He submitted arguments in the ECtHR Grand Chamber Case of Lekic v. Slovenia and forms part of the Supervisory Council of the Observatory for Taxpayers’ Rights. In 2021, the EATLP invited him to draft its submissions to the EU Commission relating to EU taxpayer protection. Having served as a panelist at the 2015 IFA Congress, he formed part of a study group of the International Law Association on the “Protection of Taxpayers’ Rights” (co-chaired by Advocate General Juliane Kokott and Pasquale Pistone). Robert is a published author on tax law publishing articles in European Taxation, EC Tax Review, World Tax Journal and the British Tax Review. Robert’s books on Maltese taxation have been cited by the Administrative Review Tribunal and the Court of Appeal (including especially the Paul Ciantar Case and Case 27/18VG involving the taxation of highly mobile workers). Robert’s most recent publication is Taxation at the European Court of Human Rights co-authored with former ECtHR judge Pinto de Albuquerque (Wolters Kluwer Law 2023). 


3  Core


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Please note that all webinars are recorded by the MIA. Such recordings will be retained by the MIA for internal use.

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E-mail: info@miamalta.org

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