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M2066 - Self-Examination First, Client Integrity Second? Client Acceptance and Continuance Procedures (Online)

  • 30 Jul 2020
  • 09:15 - 12:30
  • Online Webinar


Registration is closed
Registration Time: 09.00
Sessions Time: 09.15 - 12.30 including a 15-minute break
Speaker: Mr Mario P. Galea
Venue: Online Webinar
Participation Fees (The Institute is now accepting payments via Paypal)
MIA Members: €40.00
Non-MIA Members: €75.00
Retired Members: €20.00
Students: €30.00

Background Information

Ethical thinking cannot be taken for granted and we cannot expect a good ethical environment if we do not first have a strong sense and ambition for doing the right thing ourselves.  We cannot expect of others what we are not ready to practise ourselves.  We cannot preach ethics if we are not capable ourselves of resisting temptations or self interest decisions.  We cannot add ethical value to clients if we do not see ethical value ourselves.  We are not delivering anything to society if we play a part in the concealing wrong doing which is diametrically opposite to what the purpose of our profession is, that of reporting and exposing things as they are in the public interest.
Client acceptance and continuance procedures are not yet another obstacle on the way to raising fees.  On the contrary they are a tool to protect our practice in its entirety including making honest fees.  it is useless to embark into client acceptance and continuance procedures with a set of binoculars aimed at the client without also taking each and every opportunity of every procedure to self examine ourselves.  You can use procedures to objectively examine a case or you can use those same procedures to work around objectivity and justify a wrong case. 
Above all the maker of a client acceptance and continuance procedure should first be honest and harbour clean intentions to make the exercise worth its while.


To instil awareness of the topic
To raise the priority of the topic further up the scale of important things to do
To encourage practitioners in difficulty with the process and the concept
To help practitioners with the process itself

Topics on the agenda

  • Back to the roots of what we do; why we do it.
  • Working in the open, accountability and transparency
  • Respect; towards a client; towards us; self-respect.
  • The objective of improving society at large with our action
  • Client acceptance and continuance procedures are not an exercise in discarding clients but in improving the ethical, business and financial environment
  • The need for a concerted effort by the profession. Easier said than done.
  • AML; because of the ethical divide
  • Codes of Ethics; because we turned our back on ethical behaviour


Practitioners; from both small and big firms
Audit Committee members
Business owners
Members of the public


Mario P. Galea
A certified public accountant and auditor holding a warrant to practice both as an accountant and an auditor.  Currently practising as a business advisor providing oversight and advisory services to businesses and corporations.  Serves on boards of directors and the audit committees of various listed companies in the financial and commercial sectors.  Mentor and advisor to family businesses. Founder of Ernst & Young in Malta and until June 2012 was Managing Partner and Chairman.  Specialised in auditing and assurance which he has practiced for 35 years in Malta and abroad.  Lectured in auditing, assurance and professional and business ethics and led several training courses.  Speaker at various business and professional conferences in Malta and abroad.  Assisted businesses in several areas particularly relating to governance, accounting and systems of control.  Served as President of the Malta Institute of Accountants and for many years formed part of the Accountancy Board which is the accountancy profession regulator in Malta.  Served on various professional committees in Malta and abroad such as the council of the Federation des Experts Comptables (FEE) in Brussels.  Served as Chairman of the Malta Resources Authority.  Member of the Ethics and Regulatory committees of the Malta Institute of Accountants in Malta.

Target Audience 

Practitioners; from both small and big firms
Audit Committee members
Business owners
Members of the public


3 Hours Core


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