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Council is the governing body of the Institute - determining its strategy and policy and deciding on the allocation of the Institute’s resources. It is comprised of 14 members all forming part of the accountancy profession and coming from various sectors. Four of the Council members form part of the Officers team made up of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who amongst other duties are responsible for overseeing the execution of the Council’s policy setting and implementation.
Council Members are elected by Members during the Annual General Meeting for a period of 2 years.


Set the overall direction of the Institute.
Responsible for ensuring that the Institute continues to develop in line with its mission and values.
Ensure the delivery of the objectives stated in the Institute's Statute.
Responsible for safeguarding the Institute's image and reputation.
Ensure that the Institute operates in the public interest.

Council & Officers Team

(Term 2024 – 2025)


The annual general meeting is held on a yearly basis to elect seven members to the Council and each member will be elected for a period of two years. Thus in a two-year period, all fourteen members of the Council are up for election.
The modus operandi of the AGM is stipulated by the Statute and Bye-Laws. Through a notification sent out to all Members before each AGM, the Institute invites any interested parties who wish to be on Council to submit their nomination.
  • Are you passionate about the profession?
  • Do you have the right skills and competencies to be on Council?
  • Do you want to be involved in shaping the future of the Institute and the profession?
    During his speech at the 2019 AGM, outgoing President, William Spiteri Bailey, emphasised the personal value that one derives from being an active constituent of the Institute.
    “The MIA is a success story because it has always been able to face challenges with reason, integrity, and a long-term vision. These were the points of reference that have accompanied my passion for the profession during this term, and that sustained my determination. The Presidency of the Institute is as much a proud experience as it is a humbling one. Working alongside so many talented people has been a true honour: our competent professionals; the generous members of the groups and committees; the insightful members of the Council; the enthusiastic and brilliant MIA staff. I am grateful to every one of you for sharing with me the mission to keep transforming the profession in Malta and lay the groundwork for its further development.”


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    Suite 4, Level 1, Tower Business Centre, Tower Street, Swatar, BKR 4013, Malta 

    E-mail: info@miamalta.org

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